VOL 9 NO 34
The Editor,
I am not surprised that your analysis of the chairmanship tussle in the NBA Lagos Election is tilt in favour of Gboyega Kolade. Calculating the advert spaces he has taken in the Squib, he could have spent up to #250,000. You know advertisement is a partial bribe to the publisher of the magazine. But then it is he who pays the piper that dictates the tune.
Editor’s Note: You are entitled to your opinions but let’s wait till June 14 to see how credible our analysis is.
The Editor,
What’s happening to the Squib, the printing these days is so terrible. Many of your readers are sore on this point. You may begin to consider changing your printers.
Editor’s Note: Good point brother!
The Editor,
I read your Learned Squib article-“The Dele Oye Magic” and believed that you are better holding back your aces as far as your Legal practitioners Disciplinary Case is concerned
Editor’s Note: Thanks for your concern.
The Editor,
I laughed so heartily when I was reading the curriculum vitae of Chief Ajibola Aribisala S.A.N that you published in your magazine some weeks ago. What a ridiculous c.v! I was amazed that any lawyer at all can write such things about himself. It is simply amazing that a person can be so full of himself like Aribisala displayed in that c.v.
Editor’s Note: I was amazed too.
VOL 9 NO 36
The Editor,
There have been several complaints about his Lordship. Justice C.M.A Olatoregun J (Mrs) of the Lagos Division of the Federal High Court. His Lordship has a notorious reputation for being rude and quarrelsome with lawyers. His Lordship freely uses such words as reckless and irresponsible on Counsel. His Lordship also has a standing policy of not relisting any matter struck out even in same were struck out in the absence of parties and Counsel. The SQUIB ought to monitor his Lordship’s Court to verify complaint.
His Lordship Taiwo J. of the Lagos High Court sat at around 11.am on Thursday the 9th July 2009 without a word of apology to counsel in court which included a Senior Advocate of Nigeria.
Editor’s Note:- Really?
The Editor,
Sex and the Bench! What a catchy title for a Magazine Cover. I am sure it will attract people to rush this week’s (Vol. 9 No 34) edition.
Editor’s Note: - Are you saying sex sells fast?
The Editor,
I want to know, what you meant by your cover title “SEX AND THE BENCH? Is it that Judges are sleeping with themselves or the baba is catching action with the judicial babes?
Editor’s Note: - Which baba and babes are you talking about? Have you read the story at all?
The Editor,
How can one get a copy of the Squib to buy? I understand this week’s edition is really hot. I am prepared to pay N500:00 for a copy. Please.
Editor’s Note: - Your wish is my command but only for N200:00
The Editor,
You just have to get me a copy of this week’s edition (SEX AND THE BENCH) otherwise I’ll fight you and I mean it. My people in the chambers forgot to buy me one earlier in the week. Since Wednesday I’ve been looking in vain for the Squib. In situations of scarcity like this you just to provide for Squib addicts like me.
Editor’s Note: - Don’t worry, I’ll send you your fix.
The Editor,
There are many serious things that ought to engage the attention of the bar but which unfortunately is not the case. Take for example, the new rules of the Court of Appeal stating that where the High court- Registry fails to compile records within 30 days (of judgement), the parties can so do within 60 days. The rule is very wrong. One, the Court of Appeal has no powers to make rules for the High Court.
Second, the rule encourages corruption on the part of High Court Registrars. They will simply abandon their duties of compiling records, except their palms are greased.
Third, parties seeking compilation of records by themselves will certainly run into some difficulties. For example how would they have easy access to Exhibits of cases, since they are not the official custodian of same?
Chief. G.O.K. Ajayi S.A.N
Editor’s Note: - Is the bar listening?
The Editor,
Where and how did you manage to get the shortlist of candidates for judicial appointment in Lagos State
Editor’s Note: - Geckos at work!
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